Ok, just some final info before we leave for Tokyo....
We will be leaving at 8 to leave in the air by 12:55 pm. We hope to arrive in Japan around 5-ish and get to our apartments by 9-ish pm. This includes a 14 hour plane trip and then traveling in a big group with luggage in Tokyo; should be a great time for real!
A spectre haunts missions trips, the spectre of support raising, and I am pleased to report that all of our group is going to go to Tokyo and that even though we are $1,400-ish away, that the people who have support left to raise are writing out personal checks and hoping to bring in that money before the end of the trip. And I just want to say that for me, this has been such a way to grow and test God's will for my life and my summer and I am so so so so happy that you all have supported this trip and me and that God is calling me to Tokyo and has shown this with His abundant provisioning and even through days of unfaithfulness or uncertainty, that God has done it. Praise the Lord!
Next stop Tokyo and I hope to write more encouraging news when we are established there!
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